The Society of Women in Industrial Distribution, or SWID, started in 2014 with the focus to bring awareness and experience to the groups of students in Industrial Distribution who come from all different backgrounds and want a more intimate group of students to interact with. The Industrial Distribution program at Texas A&M University is currently about 20% women, so our goal is to share our own experiences and perspectives on the industries we are involved in with students from any background. Our focus is to create a space for students to have one-on-one experiences with industry professionals, learn how to navigate the industry in their own way, prepare for interviews and jobs, and find a group of students that they relate to. With our mentorship program, speaker events, socials, and meetings, we hope to provide an environment where students will showcase their skills and make a name for themselves. We are so excited to work alongside PAID and Sigma Delta to represent the ID program!

Our Officers

President: Katherine Miller
Vice President: Larissa Cadena
        Secretary: Grace Vasicek
Public Relations: Kayla George

Student Relations: Zach Simmons
Treasurer: Harper Carr

President: Our president is Katherine Miller, who was born and raised in the heart of Houston, Texas. She is an Industrial Distribution student graduating in May 2024 and has loved every second of it since transferring into the program in 2021. Katherine has completed two summer internships through the Industrial Distribution program and is most interested in supply chain, operations, and sales. Her journey with SWID started when she joined the ID program in 2021, and was looking for a smaller student organization to get even more involved in ID. She has been a member of PAID, the Professional Association for Industrial Distribution, for three years, and has gone from a member of SWID, to the treasurer, and is now president. Her hobbies include talking about her cat, Bubba, and telling dad jokes. “SWID brought me a lot of comfort and insight into the future of my academic and post-grad careers. Having a closer group of students to share our own passions and advice with is very fulfilling and I hope to be a memorable leader who helps others see their own potential! The programs, speakers, and activities we are offering will help shape students even more and prepare them for the post-grad industry.”

Vice President: Our Vice President is Larissa Abigail Cadena from Laredo, Texas. She is a senior Industrial Distribution student with a Psychology minor graduating in May 2024! Alongside SWID, Larissa is an official campus tour guide with the Howdy Crew, a Peer Mentor for First Generation Engineering students, and a member of the Professional Association for Industrial Distribution. In her free time, you’ll always find our VP drawing or cooking. Larissa has greatly contributed to the success of SWID and has been an integral help in revamping and creating a new mentorship program. “SWID felt like the right org for me! I am outgoing, and love meeting people, but I prefer smaller and close knit orgs— I feel like the connections run deeper! I am really looking forward to sharing as much of what I have learned the past 4 years with the upcoming students. I am also excited about growing my Aggie Network and helping all SWID members prepare for their transition to Industry!”

Secretary: Our Secretary is Grace Elizabeth Vasicek. She is a Junior Industrial Distribution student with a Business minor graduating in Fall 2024! Alongside SWID, Grace is a Kappa Delta, a member of the Professional Association for Industrial Distribution, and a member of Sigma Delta Honor Society. In her free time, you’ll always find our Secretary with her cows or eating chips & queso with friends. Grace created an email newsletter for our members to stay more engaged and up-to-date with events and happenings! “I joined SWID to help make a positive impact on the females involved in a male-dominated field. I am excited for this upcoming semester's activities, and getting to meet all the new members!”

Public Relations: Kayla George is our Public Relations officer. She is a senior Industrial Distribution student graduating in May 2024. In addition to her involvement in SWID, she is a member of PAID (the Professional Association for Industrial Distribution) and the Sigma Delta Honor Society. Kayla’s hobbies include photography, graphic design, crocheting, and reading. Kayla's contributions to marketing and merchandise for the organization were much needed and have been loved by members and officers alike! “I joined SWID to deepen my relationships with other students and maximize my last year at school by preparing for industry. I am very excited for all the events the executive team has planned and can’t wait to meet everyone!”

Treasurer: Our Treasurer is Harper Carr, who is from East Bernard, TX. She is a senior Industrial Distribution student and will be graduating in May of 2024. Alongside her involvement in SWID, she is a member of the Professional Association for Industrial Distribution and works on campus as a student technician for the Environmental Health and Safety Department. In her free time, Harper enjoys spending time with her labradoodle, Rosie, reading, and watching reality TV. Harper, being responsible for the money, has a huge role in the operations of the organization and her involvement in every event is greatly appreciated. "I was first introduced to SWID during my firsts semester at A&M in the fall of 2021. After going to the first social event and speaking with the officers, I knew this would be the perfect organization for me. Some of my best friends are people I met through SWID. I am so excited to be an officer this year and hope to guide younger SWID members through their time here at A&M!"

Student Relations: Our Student Relations officer is  Zachary Simmons, a senior Industrial Distribution student graduating in Spring of 2024. Zachary is from Cibolo, TX and his hobbies are going to the movie theatre, going to the gym, writing poems, and music. Along with his involvement in SWID, Zach is a member of Twelve, a member of the Professional Association for Industrial Distribution, and is a specialist at the Student Rec Center on the Texas A&M campus. Zach became a SWID officer after the goal of obtaining a more diverse member body with men included as well. He has helped us bring many new perspectives and members to the organization with his positive energy and great ideas. "I joined SWID as a way for me to enjoy getting to know people on a more personal level, and after joining I can say without a doubt that I have. I have made great friendships, developed my professional career, and been a part of an organization that pushes the people in it. I have been able to venture out of my comfort zone by joining and now I can say that because of it I am so much better for it!"

Faculty Advisors

Evan Vestal: Senior Lecturer, Engineering Technology & Industrial Distribution, Industry Projects Coordinator, Industrial Distribution
Mark Johnson: Director, Professors of Practice Program Associate Professor of Practice, Engineering Technology & Industrial Distribution, Industrial Distribution
Engineering Technology & Industrial Distribution | College of Engineering | Texas A&M University205 Fermier Hall, 3367 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-3367
|Phone: 979-845-6047 | Fax: 979-845-4980